Tuesday, November 03, 2009


It's kind of nostalgic to ponder back how 141,912,000 seconds (approximately 4.5 years) had just passed. So fast! That leaves me with a semester of 2 subjects and a project more to round up my bachelor years. How much the 'seconds, hours and so many days...' experience had changed me for a ma-ku better person (I hope) in my life... =p

bull-ing or being bull-ied??? as buLL as a BuLL at China Embassy... lolx...

So what's up next? That will be just spending the next 3 weeks of my holidays in my varsity for the very first and last time. What else? Project + Career Fair. I had no choice since taken up a position in the team under SuSu. How I wish to go back to my homey and have a good, good sleep on my lovely bed! Home sweet home! Anyway, I'll try to blog out something as much as possible for the coming days... ^^

whisk-choco from Beijing, a souvenir... no wonder i felt dizzy in lib while studying and always sleepy... =p

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