Monday, December 03, 2007

Early december 2007

The battle continues for a piece of meaningful certificate, a certificate that resembles myself and most likely my future. Squandered last semester, workaholic-wanna-be this semester. I don't know if i will be able to update my blog as often as I can. Post on the 'story of mah-jong creatures' might even take centuries to reach to the finale. Slowly stay tune from time to time if you're curious to know the plot of the story. This semester will also mark the end of 2007, another memorable year for me. I've actually already listed a few resolution for the coming brand new year. Might share out at some other post later on. Anyway, i won't be on9-ing that often after all because i don't reli see the better side of it unless if there's any urgent or emergency business to talk to. I really wanted to look out to the society to see how working life will be, getting hands on early might be beneficial too. Cultivating reading habits will be helpful to arm myself with several arsenal before facing the dreadful world of work. All da best to everyone in their daily lives! =)


Anonymous said...

huh...haha why suddenly change style adi mature thinking adi...sometime i thk u shd be like this more rather being the -crazy- bh that laugh nonstop during our gathering =p

BoOn HeNg said...

apa ini???hehe...reli =.=!
need to change style meh? dun think its necessary... i m still me, myself and i; now and probably in the future will still be the same me! (as crazy as ever....haha...jkjk...)